Ruby is one of those programming languages that is beginner-friendly and fun to use for beginners yet also has a big impact which can create complex systems. It offers out-of-the-box features for future developments but because of its flexibility, it is hard to debug.

Aside from that, when compared to Python, it actually has a smaller community, thereby experiencing a decline in popularity. So somebody try to find out how to uninstall Ruby Mac. If you ask for easy ways to remove Ruby from Mac completely, here you can learn the easiest removal method.

Contents: Part 1. Where Is Ruby on My Mac?Part 2. How Do I Completely Remove Ruby from Mac?Part 3. How Do I Uninstall Ruby on My Mac Manually?Part 4. Conclusion

Part 1. Where Is Ruby on My Mac?

Before we explained how to uninstall Ruby on Mac, now we need to know where is Ruby on my Mac. Ruby is pre-installed on macOS and is typically located at /usr/bin/ruby. To verify, open Terminal and run ruby -v to check the version or which ruby to find the path. For user-installed Ruby, it may be in directories managed by RVM or rbenv.

Part 2. How Do I Completely Remove Ruby from Mac?

Now that you’ve made up your mind and finally want to uninstall Ruby on Mac, then you can do it manually. But digging through folders just to find its related files is a waste of time. Well, you can spend only a few seconds with the help of the iMyMac PowerMyMac.

This tool not only optimizes your computer but also declutters the junk that has accumulated over the years. The tool has built-in protection so it won’t delete files randomly but only those safe for deletion.

Its App Uninstaller module can help you quickly uninstall Ruby on Mac with its related caches and files or automatically remove software like Steam, Photoshop, or Adobe CC.

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Simply follow the instructions below to uninstall Ruby on Mac easily:

  1. Using the “App Uninstaller”, press “SCAN” to start. This lets you scan all the apps installed.
  2. Once done, choose “All Applications” on the categories and find the app Ruby. Use the search box if you like.
  3. Tick the app and then press the “CLEAN” button to remove the app and its related files.

How to Uninstall Ruby on Mac Easily:

PowerMyMac is a great investment if you want to control your computer’s storage and at the same time, regularly optimize your Mac so you can have a lag-free experience.

Part 3. How Do I Uninstall Ruby on My Mac Manually?

There are many ways to uninstall Ruby as well as how to install them. We will not get to it one-by-one so we will only choose those that the majority has used since there are different ways to do it.

The first is to know which type of Ruby is currently installed. You can use the command $ which -a ruby to know and the list below will tell you what to do to uninstall Ruby on Mac manually:

  1. If you see /usr/bin/ruby, then you’re using the pre-installed macOS Ruby.
  2. If /usr/local/bin/rubyor /opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin/ruby then Ruby was installed by using Homebrew.
  3. If ~/.rvm/rubies/then RVM was used to install it.
  4. If ~/.rbenv/versions/then RBENV was used.
  5. If ~/rubies/then CHRUBY was used.
  6. If /var/folders/...the FRUM was used.
  7. If ~/.asdf/shims/rubythen ASDF was used.
  8. And if it is installed by default, then ~/.asdf/installs/ruby.

How to Uninstall Ruby on Mac Manually

As there are many ways to install Ruby, there are also many ways to uninstall them. But for now, let’s focus on how to uninstall Ruby on Mac using Homebrew.

  1. The first is for you to run diagnostics to list all the packages installed. You should see a list of packages with their dependencies.
  2. Once done, you can now see a list of Ruby files installed where the Homebrew files are installed in /opt/homebrew.
  3. To uninstall Ruby, simply type brew uninstall - -force ruby. The brew auto-removecommand will then remove unused dependencies.
  4. To confirm if you’ve uninstalled Ruby, run Homebrew diagnostics.
  5. Don’t forget to also remove the shell configuration that gives the Ruby installed by Homebrew its priority over the Ruby in the system. To do so, open the ~/.zshrcfile and remove the files depending on where:

Confirm If You’ve Uninstalled Ruby on Mac

  • For Mac Intel:

if [ -d “/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin” ]; then export PATH=/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH export PATH= ‘gem environment gemdir’/bin:$PATH

  • For Apple Silicon:

if [ -d “/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin” ]; then

export PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH

export PATH=‘gem environment gemdir’/bin:$PATH

Using Homebrew to uninstall Ruby on Mac isn’t the only way since there are different kinds of installation for Ruby. If it’s too much of a waste of time, you can either ask someone else to do it for you or you can just use an app uninstaller. Either way, you choose it’s up to you so long as Ruby gets removed in the end.

How to Uninstall Ruby on Mac

Part 4. Conclusion

Using Ruby can be great for certain programmers but uninstalling them can be a pain so better choose wisely. The PowerMyMac can be of great help with guiding you to uninstall Ruby on Mac because in just a few, simple clicks, everything will be gone for good and your Mac will now have a space to install something new.

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It’s a great investment, especially since we tend to install apps just like that and you’ll have full control of your storage space. Download and install the tool now so you won’t miss out on future updates.