It comes to you as an email.它以电子邮件的形式发送给您。 All of a sudden, a lot of people want to share with you some Google Docs.突然之间,很多人都想与您分享一些Google文档。 Be careful.小心。 You might end up downloading the您可能最终下载了 Google文件病毒。 Some emails look credible.有些电子邮件看起来很可信。 You don't really think that they're dangerous, most especially if they come from someone whom you know.您并不是真的认为它们很危险,尤其是当它们来自您认识的人时。 With that mindset, the Google Docs virus ended up victimizing a lot of folks.出于这种想法,Google Docs病毒最终使许多人受害。 All of a sudden, folks were getting Google Docs links in their emails.突然之间,人们在他们的电子邮件中获得了Google文档链接。

Since they knew the person who sent the link, they ended up clicking on the link.由于他们认识发送链接的人,因此最终单击了链接。 Instead of being taken to Google Docs, they ended up giving some dubious apps access to their computer.他们最终没有被带到Google文档,而是给了一些可疑的应用程序访问其计算机的权限。 Unfortunately, that was how the Google Docs virus started to thrive.不幸的是,这就是Google Docs病毒开始蓬勃发展的方式。 It fooled a lot of computer users.它欺骗了许多计算机用户。

Take some time to read this article to learn more about this particular virus and how to prevent it.请花一些时间阅读本文,以了解有关此特定病毒及其预防方法的更多信息。 Make sure to read until the end to learn of comprehensive cleaning software that can keep your Mac safe.请务必阅读直到最后,以了解可以保护Mac安全的全面清洁软件。

内容: 第1部分。Google文档可以感染病毒吗?第2部分。删除Google Docs病毒以保护您的Mac第3部分。在Mac上扫描并清理可疑的应用程序和扩展部分4。 结论


在2017年的某个时候, 谷歌文档 happened.发生了A ton of emails was sent with links to Google Docs.已发送大量电子邮件,其中包含指向Google文档的链接。 Since the links were coming from Google Docs, most of the folks didn't think twice about clicking on them.由于链接来自Google文档,因此大多数人都不会三思而后行。 Unfortunately, when they clicked on the links they were taken to a page where they were prompted to grant Google Docs to access their computer.不幸的是,当他们单击链接时,他们被带到一个页面,提示他们授予Google文档访问其计算机的权限。

Since they thought that the links were coming from Google, they granted Google Docs permission to access their computer.由于他们认为链接来自Google,因此授予了Google文档访问他们计算机的权限。 Unfortunately, the link was not coming from Google.不幸的是,该链接不是来自Google。 It was an email spoofing that was meant to look like it was coming from Google.这是一封电子邮件欺骗,看起来像是来自Google。 A quick hover over the Permissions page showed a dubious email address in the Developer info.将鼠标悬停在“权限”页面上后,在开发人员信息中显示了一个可疑的电子邮件地址。

Google 文档病毒警告

Google Docs病毒的一个有趣方面

Rumor has it that the Google Docs virus was an experiment by a student from the United Kingdom.谣传Google Docs病毒是英国一名学生的实验。 The student has written the code for a project.学生已为项目编写了代码。 To this day, this rumor remains a rumor.直到今天,这个谣言仍然是谣言。


In simple terms, Google Docs just pretended to be Google Docs.简而言之,Google文档只是假装为Google文档。 Obviously, it wasn't Google Docs.显然,它不是Google文档。 It was meant to fool computer users to grant hackers access to their machines by making use of它的目的是欺骗计算机用户,通过利用以下方式授予黑客访问其计算机的权限: OAuth的。 With the OAuth, you can give permission to the app (disguised as Google Docs) and the app can prove that it has your permission even without you having to share some of your personal credentials.使用OAuth,您可以授予该应用程序(伪装为Google Docs)的权限,即使您无需共享某些个人凭据,该应用程序也可以证明它具有您的权限。 That allows the app to show a token to Google that you have allowed access to.这样一来,该应用便可以向您显示允许访问的Google令牌。


第2部分。删除Google Docs病毒以保护您的Mac

There are some ways to protect your Mac from the Google Docs virus.有一些方法可以保护Mac免受Google Docs病毒的侵害。 Continue reading to learn more about them.继续阅读以了解有关它们的更多信息。 You can protect your Mac from the Google Docs virus by removing it if you had accidentally clicked or opened the email.如果您不小心单击或打开了电子邮件,则可以通过删除Mac来保护Mac免受Google Docs病毒的侵害。 Follow the steps below to remove it.请按照以下步骤将其删除。


Sign in to your Google account.登录到您的Google帐户。 Then go to your profile on the top, right-hand side of the screen and click on My Account.然后转到屏幕右上方的个人资料,然后点击我的帐户。 On other Google interfaces, it's going to read Manage your Google Account.在其他Google界面上,它将显示“管理您的Google帐户”。


进入帐户页面后,查找“登录和安全”。 然后,单击第三个链接,显示已连接的应用程序和网站。 同样,在其他Google界面上,您必须单击屏幕左侧的“安全性”。



进入“登录和安全性”窗口后。 查找显示“管理应用程序”的链接。 如果必须单击屏幕左侧的“安全性”,则必须在主屏幕上查找具有帐户访问权限的第三方应用程序。 单击“管理应用程序”链接后,您将看到可以访问您帐户的各种应用程序。 点击看起来可疑的应用。 如果您看到以Google文档或Google Chrome命名的应用,请在其上单击“删除”标签。



When it comes to safeguarding your Mac from viruses and malware you just have to read carefully and think twice about clicking any links.在保护Mac免受病毒和恶意软件侵害时,您只需要仔细阅读并仔细考虑一下单击任何链接。 Consider the safety tips below.请考虑以下安全提示。

  • If you're not expecting any kind of email from anyone you know, do not click on the link.如果您不希望自己认识的人收到任何形式的电子邮件,请不要单击链接。 You're better off calling the person directly and asking him or her about it.您最好直接致电此人并询问他或她有关此事的信息。
  • Check if you were just blind copied on the email.检查您是否只是盲目复制到电子邮件中。 if yes, don't even bother with the email.如果是的话,甚至不用理会电子邮件。
  • Take some time to read carefully.花一些时间仔细阅读。 Never allow any link to grant access to your computer.切勿允许任何链接授予对计算机的访问权限。 Even if the link looks credible, do not allow access.即使链接看起来可信,也不允许访问。 Read carefully and think twice仔细阅读并三思


Google在阻止病毒方面已经做了很多工作。 However, it doesn't mean that it can never happen again.但是,这并不意味着它永远不会再发生。 Any hacker can still take advantage of the OAuth system to install an app on your Mac.任何黑客仍然可以利用OAuth系统在Mac上安装应用。 You need to be careful with the apps and extensions on your Mac.您需要注意Mac上的应用和扩展程序。 the best way to be careful is with the use of the最好的谨慎方法是使用 iMyMac PowerMyMac。 This is a powerful tool that provides comprehensive cleaning of your Mac.这是一个功能强大的工具,可以全面清洁Mac。

您还可以 清理可疑应用程序中的Mac 和扩展程序,而无需导航到您的 Google 帐户。 只需点击一下 App卸载程序 在 PowerMyMac 上,您将能够扫描下载到 Mac 上的所有扫描文件。 只需几秒钟,您就可以清除那些可疑的。 您还可以通过单击扫描可疑的扩展名 扩展.

Mac Cleaner免费试用立即免费试用!

PowerMyMac 应用程序卸载程序

部分4。 结论

如果您免受Google Docs病毒的侵害,那么对您有好处。 但是,这并不意味着您会永远幸免,因为事实并非如此。 那里有很多计算机病毒。 他们可以通过应用和扩展程序感染您的Mac。 小心。 使用iMyMac PowerMyMac之类的清洁程序可以保护Mac免受可疑的应用程序和扩展程序的侵害。

Has your Mac ever been infected?您的Mac是否曾被感染? How did you go about it?你是怎么做到的? Share your thoughts with us.和我们分享一下你的想法。 We would love to hear them.我们希望听到他们的声音。